拿到ECFMG certificate之后还有一件事情就是报名USMLE STEP3。对于IMG来说,这一步可以在resident之前就报名,是个绝大的好处。当然你要仔细看看不同state对报名的要求不同,就想之前李嘉华曾经分析过的,哪些state报名简单,方便,这一次我也选了connecticut报名。注意考试可不一样哦,每个state都有好几个prometric center,看自己位置方便再选考点了。
拿到certificate之后并不意味着你可以马上报名,要等待issue date,这个ECFMG说会在1-2周给你issue,然后寄给你一个黄澄澄的ECFMG“毕业证”。确实这样就从ECFMG毕业了,因为step3的报名就不再通过它来进行,而是通过FSMB。填写报名材料的时候,需要具体填写到issue date是哪一天,所以还是老老实实地等吧。不然如果你报名了,FSMB没有在ECFMG看到你的issue date,据小胡说,FSMB就是“吃”了你的钱。哇!700多刀呢
终于8月29号收到了ECFMG寄来的fedex,终于看到了我的“毕业证”。接下来的事情就是STEP3的身份认证。有一个类似于报名step1和2时候的183或186表,step3叫做certification of identity。这时候学校老师签字盖章就不灵了,需要公证处公证,英文名字叫做notary public。在异国他乡的我怎么找这样的notary public。于是打电话给FSMB,他们的电话很容易接通,大概业务量没有那么繁忙,也没有电脑语音跟你说半天。不像现在的ECFMG,电脑跟你对话说了半天,还告诉你,你在Q中的位置,还要等多久。关于notary public他们这样回答,我的电话好在可以录音,整理出来如下:
Who have the authority to do notification for USMLE Step3 Certification of Identity?
Any notary public all over the world, such as: notary public, American embassy, a lot places that sell traveler’s check, American express offices, Banks, Even some Hospitals, and etc. they need to do the following 5 things:
(1) Sign it;
(2) Put a complete date of their witness of this signature with a month, day and year;
(3) Put an expiration date for a statement that it does not expire;
(4) A Stamp or seal
(5) At the same time: your own signature, and your own picture (no need to be sealed)
如果没有在规定的时间内寄到你的材料,她们说申请会被取消,我问他们怎么处理我的700刀,回答如下:If your application is cancelled we will keep 90 dollar, and for new application you should pay the entire fee and send us new application form.